Curso avanzado de buceo recreativo

Especialidad de Navegacion

Vive una experiencia unica

Curso avanzado de buceo recreativo



If you already have Open Water and want to keep learning and improving
Get ready for the Advanced!
This course is a tasting of 5 diving specialties. Yes! How do you hear it! This course will allow you to do specialty dives: night diving, deep diving (up to 30m), sunken ships ... and many more.
Continue exploring the oceans, extend your dive time, reduce your air consumption, and much more with SSI's Advanced Adventurer program. Try 5 different specialties without having to complete a complete program and discover the type of diving that you like the most. This is the best way to continue your training and increase your confidence, safety and comfort as an advanced diver.
Course dynamics: 2 days - 5 dives
(Buoyancy, Navigation and Deep Diving + 2 Adventurer
to choose)
Day 1
- 10:30: Course Adventurer Theory
- 12:30: Let's go to the water!
- 1st Dive (Buoyancy Control)
- 2nd Dive (Navegatión)
- 18:30: ¡In the dive center!
- 3rd Dive (Night Dive) (If chosen)
Day 2
- 08:00: Let's go to the water!
- 4th Dive (Deep Dive max 30m)
- 5th Dive (Another Chosen Adventurer)
- 11:00 : Certification and Records
(Hours may vary depending on the needs of students, groups or weather conditions)
Max deep: 30 meters
Price: 12,000 baths
(Prices are subject to change, depending on the season and promotions).
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